Produce data and research about worker cooperatives

Government entities must collect data and fund research to better understand the needs of worker cooperatives and design appropriate supports to meet those needs.
Establish a Federal Office of Broad-based Worker Ownership in the National Economic Council
- Amend the Congressional Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act of 2008 to add this office to the Office of Policy Development (the Domestic Policy Council and the National Economic Council) of the White House.
- This office would chair an interagency committee of broad-based worker ownership, report on the policy initiatives and activities of different Federal agencies, and pull together government data and research on worker ownership for use by federal, state, and local governments.
For example:
- The Interagency Working Group for Cooperative Development at USDA exists to report on policy initiatives and activities of different federal agencies, pull together data and research
- In 2017, New York State House and Senate passed NY State Senate Bill S5349A, establishing an advisory panel on employee-owned enterprises who will report and make recommendations on how best to support existing employee-owned enterprises and promote new employee-owned enterprises.